
New BF.

Aha. Stop right there. BF for Bestfriend, not Boyfriend.

Yes today's topic is about Friendship. Friend can be defined in 1001 terms. But in those 1001 terms, there is this one thing about friend that is always real. Which is, as we all know, the one that will never ever give up on trying to be our friend is the well-known for its annoying presence, Mrs Pimple or Mrs P. Haha. True, right? As for me myself, Mrs P is always there, always there on my face. Sometimes she comes alone, sometimes she brings along her friends. Sometimes she looks very fat, sometimes she looks skinny. And they never failed to make us annoyed.

But, I have a good news here! About a month ago, i found one solution to fight back Mrs P and her friends. Yeay! Presenting my new BFF 'St Ives Green Tea Scrub'!

This scrub has been a really good friend to me. Really recommended for anyone who has acne problem like me. I x ada lah selalu sgt jerawat besar2, but there will always jerawat yg kecik2 yg very annoying on my cheeks and sometimes on my forehead. Before, i used St Ives scrub jugak but the Apricot. For me the apricot punya butir2 tu a bit harsh on the skin, sometimes bila pakai my skin jadi kering sbb dia mcm hakis kulit muka byk. But this one is very gentle, sgt best nak pakai, i use it everyday and now jerawat2 kecil itu sudah tiada. Serious. Ada pon i can count how many they are, before ni was like uncountable kot diorg tu. Huhu.

So yeah, i highly recommend this scrub. Please try. For those yg x pakai scrub, have a scrub right now. Scrub penting to clear blackouts etc etc. Kena ada. Maybe now we all think x pakai pon x apa because our face still looks good, but in the future? We never knw. So, dont be afraid to spend sikit and try few skincare. Nak lagi bagus, have a facial treatment. Tapi pergi tpt yg mmg proven bagus. Bukan stakat buat syarat je. Because from there, we'll know our skin types macamana, what kind of cosmetics kita kena avoid, facial foam yg macamana kena guna, our face needs apa etc etc sbb x semua org sama. So, belilah scrub di atas sbb dia best. Haha. Kidding. Bye!

Love your body!


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