

Have you heard about "It takes 21 days to form a new habit"




Pernah ke x pernah? Kalau x pernah maknanya buruklah tabiat tu. Hehehe. Xdalah, just kidding! ;)

Ok, so 'habit' will be the topic im going to discuss today. Eceyy. Why? Sebab I need to form a new habit. There are some lifestyles i have right now that need changes. So, bila macam fikir2 and dh nak start a new habit ni kan, i terbaca pasal benda 21 days tu. Waktu tu macam 'wow, this is good. 21days je alahai.. xlama pon sebenarnya'. Tapi, disebabkan i am that kind of person yg akan nak tau kenapa diorg ckp mcmtu, so, i called my CBFF (Cyber BoyFriend Forever), Mr Google and asked him 'Have you heard it takes 21 days to form a habit?'. And below is his answer.

This 21 days theory sebenarnya datang bila ada seorg plastic surgeon noticed that on average, it took 21 days for amputees(orang yg dh lost his/her limb)to adjust to the loss of a limb and he argued that people take 21 days to adjust to any major life changes. Since that lah dia mula discover theory 21days for new habit ni. And dari situ lah orang pun mula ckp2 psl theory ni.

And then they say brain does not accept ‘new’ data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day).", mengikut kajian pada neuro neuro yg ada kt otak kita. So, kiranya mmg kena continuous 21 days buat sthg tu xboleh miss lgsg br lah akan jd new habit.

But, theory ni x adalah 100% betul. Sebab, it depends on what kind of new habit we want to develop. Kalau setakat nak form habit nak bangun pukul 6 tiap2 pagi, x adalah susah kot compare to nak form habit everyday nak buat sit up 100kali. Sbb sit up requires more dedication, meaning, kita nak kena cari spot yg bagus nk buat sit up n then the action akan melibatkan anggota badan yg byk, kalau betul2 bersungguh2 baru lah boleh jadi habit.

So, what do you say? Theory 21days boleh pakai ke tak? Let's conduct some experiments! Hehe. So, from today onwards i wanna form new habits which are;

1) Cuci muka sebelum tidur complete with the other skincare yang sepatutnya.Everyday! (Y? I am sangaaaat malas nak stay lama2 in the bathroom before going to bed. Sigh. Pastu bila muka dh start tmbh jerawat baru nak spend stgh jam cuci muka dgn perasaan menyesal x jaga muka!)

2) Minum air 8-9glass sehari. (Y? Sangatlah malas nk pergi ke toilet ulang2 kali bila minum air byk2. Hahaha. Teruk perangai. I knw that my body kurang air and it's not good for my health)

3) Gosok gigi lepas tu wajib kumur dgn listerine! (Kan iklan kata, menggosok sahaja tidak mencukupi. Xnak lah gigi cepat buruk nnt kena pki gigi palsu. Dah la kena byr beli gigi palsu,nak kena beli polident lagi nk lekatkan gigi tu. Habislah duit! Hehe)

Okay, tu je kot for now. So, jom buat habit baru yang bagus untuk kita! Weeeeeeeee :D

Notes: Kalau nak baca lagi details > http://www.spring.org.uk/2009/09/how-long-to-form-a-habit.php & http://www.kalavati.org/change-of-habit.html


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