Hello Hello Hello!
Akhirnya, setelah entah berapa ribu azam agaknya nk menyambung part time acivity menulis blog akhirnya hari ini 24th january, mission berjaya. Yeay! Hehehe.
Actually I dont remember my blog username & password for blog suzanaherrera tu sbb dh lama sgt x bukak, so i made a new one, named 'PearlMilkTea'. Pearl milk tea is my fav since umur berapa entah x ingat. At that time, pearl milk tea x famous pon, and ada 2 tpt je i selalu beli, kt kuching n bintulu. Kat kuching, orang yg buat the milk tea guna traditional method, shake the tea, bungkuskan dgn penuh keazaman that it will taste good. Skrg? Kalau jalan kat mall or mana2 ada je jumpa pearl milk tea, tp xbest dah sebab mostly semua pki machine je buat, rasa pun lain. :(
Okay, so, what makes me writing/blogging again?
After a thousand discoveries about myself, i found that my heart/soul and my mind will have a really great communication by writing and reading. Reading here means, baca balik apa yg i dah tulis tu. What i'm trying to say is, when i write, macam apa yang i tulis tu sgt sincere from the heart, it's like writing from the heart, macam a songwriter tulis lyrics from his/her heart lah (but obviously i am not a songwriter because if i am a songwriter, mestilah dah tulis lirik kot skrg than tulis kt blog ni yg xdapat duit pon. Hehe) So, begitulah perasaannya. And then, why mind? Okay, when i write kan n then dh siap dah la tulis2 ni pstu bila i start to read, at that moment mcm boleh rasa yg 'okay, now my mind starts working on what i wrote'. So thats why lah i said by writing and reading apa yg i dah tulis, i can feel the communication between my mind and my heart/soul. Yeah, deep sgt topic ni tapi nak try jugak sampaikan the message. X faham sudah! Hehe.
And then, i realized that, no one on this earth akan dengar everything you want to say/share. Your loved ones? No, no, no. Cinta 100% sekalipun, trust me akan ada masanya we ourselves or our partner/friends/family will be busy with our/their own stuff or problems and time tu nanti will come the moment where 'okay, bukannya xnak dengar tp mcm skrg not a good time to discuss/share/listen and bg feedback yg buat kita/diorg 100% satisfy'. So, i strongly believed that the only person yg akan dgr everything bila2 masa is diri kita sendiri. You know 'the voice within'? Yes, that's the voice kita bercakap dgn diri sendiri. And thats my point here. Apa? X faham jugak? Xpe, kia ada translator to tamil. Hehehe.
So, what topics i'll write on this blog?
Nothing specific. Just random things, apa2 yang i akan rasa nak tulis, rasa nak share or patut share.
Baiklah, udah2 le menulisnye ni. Nak supper. Bye!
teruk sgt sampai username&password acc blog lama dh lupe. haha
ReplyDeleteyang ni jgn lupa passwd dah k.... =p
ReplyDeleterekbing : hahahaha. tu zaman jad dulu mana nak ingt.
ReplyDeleteredlavender lah sgt (hehehe) : okay, yg ni confirm x lupa dahhh. heeee!