
Perfectly Imperfect.

My name is Norsuzana Amelia.
My body isn't perfect, my face isn't smooth and flawless.
My hair doesn't always stay in place.
My tudung too.
My make-up gets messy sometimes.
Sometimes i'm selfish, sometimes i'm impatient.
I am sensitive.
I don't always say the right thing.
There are days that I tend to over-thinking over something and make it more complicated.
I cry over small things sometimes.
My cooking doesn't always taste good.
My choices aren't always the best choice when I shop.
Sometimes I end up shopping regretting the amount I spent over unnecessary things.
There are some nights I cry myself to sleep.
I know that I'm not good enough.
I am imperfect, but I am perfectly me.

Perfection or Faultless or Incomparable.
They never exist. They are illusion. And if you live with them, you are guaranteed to be a loser in anything you do.
Sometimes there are days I really mad with something, contohnya bila kena tunggu train and then the train arrived not as scheduled. Rasa marah gila sbb kena tunggu lama sebab dah bosan tahap gaban tunggu train pstu x smpi pulak. This is our nature. We always expecting things to be as we wished to, but sadly ladies and gentleman, our world/our life is not always perfect all the time. Life is imperfect. (Tapi kalau dh tiap2 hari trainnya asyik lambat je, mmg patutlah nk marah. Tapi marah je buat apa kan? Make a move. Buat report ke or find another alternative selain train to get you somewhere)

When I managed to learn about imperfection, I found my life more interesting. For example, cooking. Kita masak of course lah nak rasa bombastic yg perfect masam manis masin semua everything kan. So, sometimes tu bila i masak and rasa x sedap rasa cam give u gila, rasa macam 'owhhh, i am not good at making this' pastu cam xde mood dah. But then when I start to appreciate imperfection, bila jadi mcmtu, I will first, gelak kat diri sendiri sbb rasa ntah pape, and then macam fikir apa yang x kena, pstu terus set in mind 'oww pasni masak kena kurang sikit yg ni yg ni, oww pasni kena potong mcmni, owww psni kena masuk air sikit je, etc etc' (Very positive kan?) Haha. But, still, akan ada days yg I akan jadi xde mood jugak but how frequent i will behave negatively is now sgt2 kurang compare tu dulu. See, the power of appreciating imperfection! Hehehe.

So, friends, it is normal not to be perfect. Love ourselves. Jgn compre kita dgn org lain sbb kita rasa kita x perfect tp org yg kita tgk tu perfect. Never. Because nnt our self-confidence akan turun. Tetapi, I am not saying kalau something tu dah x perfect biar je lah. No. We can always work out with our imperfections. Contohnya kalau rasa muka x cukup cun ada je jerawat, then start lah learn your skin and belajar apa yg patut dibuat. Because the nature nak cantik, nak lawa, nak handsome etc are always inside diri kita. The message I'm trying to convey here is, it is okay we are not perfect, our skin berminyak ke apa, it's okay, never lose our confidence, jgn rasa rendah diri, jgn rasa malu2, jgn jadi negative. Instead, appreciate that kita ada imperfection, make fun of it, sbb bila kita appreciate we'll create a positive feeling and so this positivity will later results in positive outcome too. Contohnya lama2 kita pun positive nk jadikan our skin better, tup tup tetba dh jaga betul2 dh cun macam scarlet johannson ke, jolie ke, beyonce ke. Hehehe.

Kenapa tiba2 hari ni nk cerita pasal imperfection? Sebab sometimes I forget that I have imperfections and so do other people. Bila lupa mulalah moody. Haih Suzana, you are not perfect pon jugak sebenarnya. Nak moody lebih apasal?

" Be comfortable with our imperfections, because that makes us unique and that is the true essence of beauty "

(Ada org tanya why Y.O.Y.O, I said XOXO gossip girl, I YOYO sbb I good girl. Hehe)

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